The aptly titled, Funstyle, is Phair's long awaited sixth studio release. After years of delay and rumored hassles with former label, ATO Records, Funstyle marks what has to be a return to her considerably eclectic past.
The thing about Liz Phair is that she can never catch a break. In the nineties, there was pressure from the indie rock community to release the sequels to her first album, Exile In Guyville. And in the god forsaken past decade, she was scrutinized for her attempt at breaking into the

I think what set this was the fact that for a debut album, Exile In Guyville, was so groundbreaking, that it set a level of artistic expectation that no person could ever meet. In short, Liz Phair was never given the allowance to simply be Liz Phair.
Like many fans of Liz Phair, I've been waiting for this album for a long time. It's not for everyone, but if you're familiar with how eclectic Liz can be, then nothing here can surprise you. If anything, the songs are amusing, and fun, and in some ways as sharp and satirical as much of her old stuff. Funstyle is definitely angry, but it has a lot fun with that anger, and it takes it in the best possible way.

Take "Bollywood", the album's lead single. It's a hip hop song! It's Liz Phair rapping! And again, any cynical bastard can take a listen at the thing song, turn away, and make some stupid little smirk about how's past her prime and trying to attract another new audience. To that, I say, its a fun, satirical song that basically details all the problems she's encountered with all the different labels that have hindered her growth as artist.
All in all, this is the album Liz Phair should have released years ago. In many respects, it the long deserved follow up to 1998's Whitechocolatespaceegg. The best thing about Whitechoclatespaceegg is that is showcased how Liz Phair could balance her eclectic charms with age and motherhood. Funstyle could easily be Whitechocolatespaceegg Part Two, but instead of dealing with motherhood, it tackles on the subject of a passionate artist who's tired of being told what to do. And I love it.
Liz Phair is free and she's finally got the chance to her herself, to be Liz Phair.
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